From the side of Christ

Today we celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Easter, now celebrated in the Church as Divine Mercy Sunday. The readings for the feastday, beginning with the Opening Prayer, encourage us to cast our focus on the redeeming ābloodā, the washing away of sins in āwaterā, a new birth in the Spirit, the institution of Confession, and the importance of trusting in Jesus. God always wants to give us the fullness of his graces and his mercy, He never holds back. "Jesus Christ, in his great mercy has given us a new birth as his sons, by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, so that we have a sure hope and the promise of an inheritance." (Second Reading). In my reflection of the Gospel today, three different biblical events come to mind. They all have something in common. The story of grace of how our Creator Father can bring life from the side of Christ, be it the first man, Adam, to his Son Jesus, the new Adam. In one of the creation narratives in the Book of Gene...