Easter Greetings 2017

Chapel of Adoration, Disciples of the Dvine Master, Dublin
“Part of the message of Easter is about removing stones.

When those barriers disappear, hope emerges from the other side—new life in Christ.

God specializes in stone removal. Whether you are looking for a way in or a way out,

Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Jesus’ death and resurrection opened the door to new life.

The “stones” that imprison us or block our path have no power to destroy us.

There is only One who can roll away your stones and bring joy, new life, and freedom through Christ.

Who will roll this stone away?” You don’t know where to turn, but you know you want the stone removed.

Then you “look up” in faith, and what you see is truly amazing.

You see  not stones, but pebbles, not darkness, but daylight.

There is a huge opening, and you hear a faint divine whisper in your spirit, “I have already rolled the stone away.”

That’s part of the Easter message. And that’s where our hope lies. “

Have a blessed Easter- you, your families and your communities!

In Christ the Risen Master,

Sr. M. Louise pddm


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