
Showing posts from June, 2015

The mosaic of Peter and Paul

"He will create beauty from the ashes. I know this. From the depths of my soul, I know this. Still, there are times I insist on doing it my way. I do it my way until an assaulting blow leaves me on my knees wondering if this is when he stops gluing together the pieces of my brokenness into something anew. I cry out to him and he pulls me into the shelter of his arms. With a gentle whisper he reminds me: My grace is enough for you: my power is at its best in weakness (2 Corinthians 12-9). He assures me of his promise through the example of Saints Peter and Paul. Through him, he teaches me his glory has no boundaries and love no limit. Without hesitation, Peter lays down his nets and steps off the boat when Jesus calls. Peter's love is deep-rooted and indisputable. And still, the beloved Peter denies him. Yet, with his faults and cracks, Peter is the rock he uses to build the Church. And Paul- Paul spat venom at believers and stood to watch while they were beaten and bruised. ...

Sunday Reflection by guest blogger Sr. M. Kathryn Williams, pddm

Here is Sr. Kathryn's reflection on this Sunday's Gospel.  "Renewing Touches"- I have an attractive poster of a piano, a pink rose and a sheet of music. The following words are inscribed beneath the picture; Life is like a piano, it needs the Masterā€™s touch . The word touch can be understood on many different levels. Physical touches can be light or heavy. We talk about being deeply touched and moved to tears. Whenever an artist restores something to its former beauty or we seek to add improvements to some aspect of our lives we talk in terms of retouching, restoring or renewing. As we pray todayā€™s Gospel we might watch the touching scenes as they unfold. Jesus is deeply touched by the desperate plea of Jairus. When the woman with the haemorrhage reaches out and touches his cloak, Jesus knew that her touch was different, distinct from the touch of others. And then, there is the touching scene when Jesus takes the dead girlā€™s hand and restores ...

Remembering Sr. Marie Paul, pddm

On the 15th of June 2014, our sister Sr. Paul went home to God. Today we celebrated with the Eucharist one year since her birth into eternal life. Below is the reflection I was asked to prepare for the occasion.  "I have been asked to share a little of my memories of Sr. Paul. Of course, the next few minutes is not going to do justice to the many gems which I carry as treasures as I remember with love Sr. Paul on this her first anniversary. There is a quote that reads: ā€œCarve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.ā€ In true Irish fashion, we would say that Sr. Paul was a character, a character who was truly unique. Over this past year since she returned to God, we have heard so many stories about Sr. Paul. Stories which were also new to us, her sisters. They are stories of all the hidden good which she did, to those who were suffering, to those in need, to those who needed a kind word of enco...