Only God...

Only God can create, but we are called upon to value that creation. 

Only God can give life, but we are called to transmit it and respect it. 

Only God can make growth happen, but we are called to guide it and give it direction. 

Only God can give faith, but we are called to be signs of God to one another. 

Only God can give love, but we are called to grow in caring for each other. 

Only God can give hope, but we are called to enable people to believe in themselves. 

Only God can give power and energy, but we are called upon to get things going. 

Only God can give peace, but we are called to build bonds that bring people together. 

Only God can give happiness, but we are invited to laugh. 

Only God is the way, but we are called to show it to others. 

Only God is the light, but we are called to let it shine forth in the world. 

Only God can make miracles happen, we are invited to offer our five loaves and two fishes. 

Only God can do the impossible, but it is up to us to do what is possible. 

Author unknown


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