Together Insieme- Vigil of Prayer for the Universal Synod
Under the Roman sun, we walked then from the Basilica to St. Peter's Basilica- a joyful group of pilgrims. Many tourists stopped and asked us who we were and what we were doing so it was a good experience to give witness and share. At the Piazza, we found Pope Francis gathered with many other ecumenical leaders who gave some inspiring thoughts which can be read here. A thought which remains with me is an invitation for us all: "Let us ask that the Synod be a kairós of fraternity, a place where the Holy Spirit will purify the Church from gossip, ideologies and polarization." Certainly, the Synod is a moment of grace for the universal Church and an opportunity to pray for all those who are involved directly and indirectly.
At the vigil, some young people from Lebanon, Indonesia, Slovenia and Ukraine gave their testimony which can be summed up in the phrase: "No one is absolutely whole. One cannot do without the other or others, because being self-sufficient is just an illusion and the relationship is not something extra, but is fundamental to making the seed of beauty that the Lord has planted in each one grow." Before listening to the Gospel text of the Good Samaritan, we were reminded that: "The parable of the Good Samaritan that Faith and Light has chosen to represent encapsulates, thanks to the narration that passes through our way of looking, attitudes and gestures, the beauty of the relationship with the other. The decision to propose the passage in different languages is motivated by the desire that everyone, each with his or her own originality, may feed on the bread of the Word." The time of silence which accompanied the reading of the Gospel was a time of deep prayer and reflection and the Piazza was silent- it was a beautiful experience. After interceding for the needs of the world and praying the prayer which unites us, the Our Father, we began to disperse for our different homes whilst prayer continued until midnight in the Piazza, accompanied by the Taize chants.
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