Just breathe…

The experience of struggling for breath is frightening. Be it caused by sickness, respiratory problems, anxiety, panic attacks or changes in altitude, when it happens, there is an overwhelming sense of gasping for that single breath of life. Something we take for granted, to breathe…yet when it’s removed from us or impeded, we see that it is literally a matter of life or death. We try to calm down by focusing on our breathing or others may encourage us by simply saying: ‘Breathe.’  We inhale, we exhale…life continues.

Today we celebrate the great birthday of the Church, the Solemnity of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit, the powerful Breath of God, his Ruah, descends upon each one of us, the Church, the world, to ‘renew the face of the earth.’  Without the Spirit, our life as disciples would be life-less, lacking energy and struggling to breath.

Just as we watch and are attentive to our physical breath, so too must we have that same attentiveness to our spiritual breathing.  So how do we invite the Spirit of Life into our lives? How do we allow God’s Ruah to transform us? We invite Him in prayer, even with a simple prayer like: “Come Holy Spirit, I need You.” The Scriptures promise us that the Spirit comes to assist us in our weakness and helps us cry out ‘Abba Father’ (Romans 8:26). To acknowledge our need of the Holy Spirit is to align ourselves to the gifts and fruits which we received when we were confirmed.  The day of our Confirmation marks a huge milestone in our life as disciples because, empowered by the Spirit of God, we are sent out in the name of Jesus to be bearers of the Gospel message, to be witnesses. However, this is not easy so we pray: 

Breathe in me Spirit, when I struggle and gasp to understand God’s plan for me at this time.

Breathe in me Spirit, when the chaos and confusion surrounds and disorientates me.

Breathe in me Spirit, when boldness is needed to speak the truth in love, when I need to have courageous conversations with those I live with and minister with.  

Breathe in me Spirit, when the air around is stagnant with lies, deceit, false information, fake news and empty promises.

Breathe in me Spirit. simply so I can breathe, with Jesus, live for the Father and just breathe.


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