Like the beads on a Rosary...

Today we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Rosary. Last year, on this day, I shared a picture of my 'rosary beads plant'. It was originally a large potted plant from Mam but it didn't survive as I think it got a culture shock moving from Athlone to Dublin! I managed to save a tiny shoot which I replanted and now it's blooming!! One year on, it is still blooming! A lot can happen in a gentle with yourself! Even when we think the plant is dying, there is still life in a single shoot, in the roots. In the right situation, with the right encouragement, in the right environment, with the right care, just like my little plant, we can all flourish!
As we pray our Rosary this evening in Chapel, I will be remembering in a special way those who are struggling to grow out of whatever situation of darkness they might be in.


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