
Showing posts from September, 2022

We do not walk alone!

  Today I thank God in a special way because on this feastday of the Archangels in 1998 I came to this PDDM community here in Dublin to begin my experience as a Disciple of the Divine Master. On the same day in 2000 I began my postulancy and then again in the company of the angels I began my novitiate in Rome in 2002! It's hard to believe that 24 years have passed. When I joined the convent on this day as a young 18-year-old, I thought I had it all figured out. I was an 'old head' on 'young shoulders' as they say. However, life brought me and continues to bring me through some very interesting journeys. There have been many ups and downs, a lot of packing up and changing communities and countries, changing mission and apostolate, starting again in new ways of life, wondering what God is actually doing with this child of His who often struggled/struggles to understand His ways! It has meant changing and getting to know new Sisters, friends, spiritual guides and work ...

Our life as Disciples of the Divine Master

  People often ask me if our Congregation is contemplative or apostolic. Actually, we are a mixture of both- we consider ourselves contemplatives in action. We are not an enclosed or monastic order though certain elements of our life draw from these ways of life. Our day begins with 2 hours of liturgical and biblical prayer in common. Throughout the day, we have at least 2 hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, as Perpetual Adoration is the foundation stone of our religious life. Where it is possible in our convents, we take turns so that there is a continuous presence of the Sisters before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we bring the world to Him and keep Him company. In this prayer and contemplation, we become still points in the midst of a swirling world. Without leaving the convent, we can reach the whole world with our prayer, this framework of action has no limits.   There, we intercede for the needs of the world, bringing prayer intentions before the altar...