What can you do to be open to your vocation?

What can you do to be open to your vocation?
Give your life to God: 'I am all yours'. Pray genuinely. Even when we pray the Our Father: “Your will be done”.
Live your Catholic faith: go to Mass, celebrate Eucharist, avail of the sacraments, live the commandments. Pray before the Blessed Sacrament, it will change your life.
Deepen your prayer life or begin a prayer life: set aside time each day to pray, read the Scriptures. Pray the Rosary, even just a decade. Pray to the saints. Make an examination of conscience each day at the end of the day.
Pray for your future wife/husband, that they share the same values as you.
Pray that the Lord will put some holy priests and religious on your path if you are interested in discerning religious and consecrated life. 
Create some space in your life for silence: Doesn’t mean having to go to a monastery- Get quiet time, to let go of all activity, gain some perspective on life, listen to your own heart.
Grow in holiness: be honest about your faults and sins. Go to the merciful heart of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).
Live a life of service: in little ways and big.
Live a life of chastity: destructive relationships can cut off the life of God in you.
Find some good spiritual reading: something which inspires you about the Christian faith or prayer, lives of the saints. Don’t force yourself to read something you don’t like. Make sure it is spiritually nourishing for you.
Join a Catholic group: like minded people who help you on the common search for holiness.
Talk honestly with someone you trust about your sense of and search for vocation.


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