I believe in the Resurrection of the Body...(Creed)

Artist- Elizabeth Wang
Yesterday we celebrated All Saints Day- our common call to sanctity as we acknowledge those who in their human imperfections and weaknesses gave Christ their all and now enjoy eternal life, models of holiness and wholeness for us to imitiate. They cheer us on, we who are still pilgrims on this earth, to keep our gaze fixed on Heaven. Today as we celebrate the 2nd of November, the commemoration of All Souls, of all the faithful departed we are brought to that earth grounding realisation that time does catch up with us all because time is not ours, our lives are in God’s hands. He is the sole Author of Life. His time turns our chronos into kairos, everlasting kairos, grace filled time.
Today, as pilgrim Church, we recall our responsibility to pray for those who may be still awaiting the Resurrection, who are in time of purification. For all those who have died in Christ, let this be our prayer: May the restless dead find sleep and may the light of our remembering guide them to everlasting sleep. In our love we hold them close, in death we hold them closer and hand them back to God.
We pause even for an instant during the course of our day to remember all our loved ones who have died...may they rest in peace. We remember especially those who have no-one to pray for them.

"Saints of God, come to their aid!
Come to meet them, angels of the Lord!
Receive their soul and present them to God the Most High.
May Christ, Who called you, take you to Himself;
may angels lead you to Abraham's side.
Receive their soul and present them to God the Most High.
Give them eternal rest, O Lord,
and may Your light shine upon them forever.
Receive their soul and present them to God the Most High."


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