Day 1 at the World Meeting of Families in the RDS

With our Brother from the Society of St. Paul It's hard to believe the WMOF is starting. As a community and as a Delegation we have been preparing for this for a number of months and the Sisters are looking forward to participating in the programme as pilgrims as well as being present at our exhibition stand. We decided that the first group would go to early Mass at 7. 30 am in the Poor Clares in Simmonscourt so as to be able to open the stand when the RDS opened at 8 am. I was privileged to be able to give my service in a different capacity, for the clergy registration for the WMOF. Wearing my other 'hat', we had also been preparing for this for a number of months to assist in ensuring all visiting clergy had the proper paperwork from their Diocese so as to be a priest pilgrim at the event. It was an interesting week as we met priests from all over the world, spoke different languages, tried to be a welcoming presence and of assistance to ensure that they had t...