Operation Adoration-Transformation!

PROMO for Adoration Programme in the Chapel of Adoration- Dublin.
The pace of life gets faster and faster and we risk being sucked into the tornado of work, meetings, full diaries and professional multitasking. Can we allow ourselves an hour to sit with Jesus? To switch off, no mobiles, no social media. Just face to face with Jesus.

Despite being on a busy N11 and close to the M50 motorway, the Chapel of Adoration at White’s Cross is a quiet haven for those who are discovering a need to digitally detox and reconnect with Jesus. Many call it an oasis of peace and tranquility, a place to recharge and refuel for the next stage of life’s journey. Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament and we are blessed to be able to keep him company all day from 8 am weekdays until late evening and from the afternoon until late evening at weekends.

Alongside the sisters, there is a steady stream of people in and out throughout the day at the Chapel. Some people are signed up for a scheduled hour.  Others aren’t and just pop in quietly to say a few prayers. Others might be visiting for the first time and might not know what to do. But that’s okay and it doesn’t last long. Each person soon finds themselves in prayer before Jesus in the Eucharist and an unfamiliar space becomes familiar and a relationship is rekindled. We all come with our story, our baggage, our life situations and the gentle invitation of Jesus is to lay it all before Him. “Come to me all you who are overburdened and I will give you rest.” Then we realise we don’t have to ‘do’ anything in Adoration, we are called to simply ‘be’ before Him.

We come as we are.  
There are going to be times when Adoration can feel anything but wonderful. You might get distracted, the family problems, work hassle, financial issues all made their way into your wandering mind. You may be tempted to make a shopping list in your head, you might even feel like going to sleep. It can be a conversation, it can be silence in your heart. Again, that’s okay. Go with it. All of the things you think and feel, Jesus already knows. 

Why not give it a chance? You’ll notice your life will begin to change. The more you sink into that silence in front of the Blessed Sacrament, the more you’ll realize that the only response is awe and wonder at the greatness of our God. Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” (John 14:27)  The outward peace we can experience in Adoration reaches much deeper. It leads to an inner peace that affects all areas of our lives. It doesn’t mean everything in our life will be perfect and without suffering, but Christ’s peace means that we know that the storms of life can’t shake us.

In Adoration we give God the best gift we can give – our time and company. When you spend more time with an open heart in Adoration and just let Christ love you, then you in return experience a deeper appreciation for the gift of life and all the people in it. That love will define you and allow you to be yourself. “I came that they may have life, life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10).

For  more information on the Chapel of Adoration and the Adoration Programme, contact the Disciples of the Divine Master at 01 2114949 or email
pddmdublin@eircom.net. Check out our website www.pddm.ie and Facebook page: PDDM Dublin. 


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