A word from the Sisters
Founded in 1924 by Blessed James Alberione, we pray daily and come in Adoration to carry the needs of the Church and humanity, interceding for the different forms of media and for truth and goodness in their use. We draw strength there for our mission which is expressed in hospitality, support and service, particularly to priests and indeed to all God’s people. Our mission ripples out further as we promote liturgical formation and animation. This includes the production and distribution of sacred art which is available through our Liturgical Centres, a new way of evangelization which encourages an appreciation for beauty and dignity in the liturgy. Every gift and talent can be used to serve God. Some of the sisters share: “The Lord has always been near to me. At every stage He says: “Do not be afraid, I am with you.” Jesus says to all those searching: “Do not be afraid. I love you, you are precious in my eyes.” (Sr. Mary) “My favourite Scripture is that of from Jo...