Mary's Yes

Chalk drawing by Sr. M. Paul, pddm
"Mary- she opens her hands and she nods.
And the promises come true in the space of her surrender- the pod of the most High God lodging within her willing yes.
Beneath her heart- in one yielded space beats the thrumming love of God.
There is no need to produce or perform or perfect, simply become a place for God.
That is all.
Now, here, in this juncture of time and space, God chooses the inconceivable- GRACE.
And conceives himself to deliver grace into the world.
When grace conceives in you, you take hold of God.
You are a space to receive whatever the will of God is in this moment of grace as grace, you take hold of God .
You most take hold of God when you simply receive him in this moment taking hold of you.
Taking hold of your unsure hand, unseen needs, unknown stress.
He wants to take hold of you, to be with you. He wants to carry you, to be carried by you. "
Anne Voskamp


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