Celebrating the Feast of St. Benedict

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Benedict, father of monasticism and one of the patron saints of Europe. During my early days of religious life, I was discerning whether God was calling me to the Benedictine life because of my love for liturgy and my discovery of the Rule of St. Benedict which has so many gems for Christian and religious living. The Rule begins with the words: "Hear and heed my child, the voice of the Master." As I discerned, I realised that the Master for me was the Divine Master and so here I am! As I grew to know more about the charism of Blessed James Alberione, I was so happy to discover that he gave to us a life motto borrowed from the words of St. Benedict: "Ora et labora", that is, "Pray and work." He also gave prominence to the place of St. Scholastica in our spirituality and proposed her discipleship as a model for us. St. Scholastica was the twin of St. Benedict and our first sister was given the religious name 'Scholastica', Mother Scholastica Rivata, whose birthday we commemorate tomorrow!
Happy feastday!


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