Wake up the world!
Many of you who know me kind of know I am not really a morning person. Much to my frustration I have a particular gift for turning off my alarm or setting it for ‘five more minutes’ which becomes then fifteen minutes and then a frantic dash ensues to make sure I get to the chapel on time. The liturgy of this first Sunday of Advent contains lots of invitations not just to ‘wake up’ but to ‘stay awake’. With the first Vespers of Advent, the Church throughout the world began the Year of Consecrated Life. Pope Francis has urged religious men and women to ‘wake up the world’. It is not easy to wake up a world that doesn’t realise that it is sleepwalking its way through life because it has blotted out God. It can be easy to grow apathetic about religious life. We hear the voices which say ‘religious life is dead’, ‘there is no hope for the Church’. There is always hope but as the letter to St. Peter tells us, we must be ready to ‘give an account of the hope which is in us’. Certain philo...