Get to know the Family!

Our PDDM community in Ireland, present in Athlone and in Dublin Many people have never heard of our religious Congregation so here is some basic information and answers to the questions which we get asked most! Name of the Order: Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM) Apostolate/Charism/Mission: Strong contemplative-apostolic lifestyle of loving and active silence. A three-fold charism: the main mission is to be 'living lamps' before Jesus present in the Eucharist, offering our prayer and Adoration for the intentions of the whole world. From this Eucharistic mission, two other ministries flow: that of liturgical service and of priestly service. We promote liturgical formation and animation through the production and distribution of sacred art. Alongside this, we are involved in different ministries throughout the day, ranging from sewing and embroidering vestments, painting, sculpture, architecture, music in order that prayer may be characterized by beauty and dignity. We ...