Simply blessed! 10,000 reasons!

Saturday morning and a blog post designed simply to say ‘thank you’ because I am simply blessed, flows from a grateful heart. Yesterday, on the part of friends, family, residents and religious sisters, the event of celebrating another year of my life on this earth was marked by many delicate gestures. Yes, I am simply blessed. Simply blessed because at the moment that is the feeling that invades my soul. ‘Blessed’ not because life is easy or without its difficulties, but ‘blessed’ because, in the words of today’s liturgy for the Conversion of St. Paul: “For I know the one in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to him.” (2 Timothy 12:1). So celebrating a birthday is just counting how much I have already received. One of the cards which I received reminded me: “Count the blessings, not the candles”. Pretty good advice, if you ask me and that's what I intend to do! I am thankful to my parents for the gift of li...