Way of the Cross: Part I

First Station

Jesus in agony in the Garden of Olives
V/. We adore o Christ and we bless you..
R/. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world..
Jesus was in agony. Grief and anguish came upon him. The sin of all mankind weighed on him heavily. But the greater his pain, the more fervently did he pray. Pain always remains a challenge to us. We feel left alone. We forget to pray, and break down. Some even take their lives. But if we turn to God, we grow spiritually strong and go out to help our fellow-beings in trouble.
Jesus continues to suffer in his persecuted disciples. Pope Benedict XVI says that even in our times “the Church does not lack martyrs”. Christ is in agony among us, and in our times.
Lord, teach us to be compassionate, not only to the hungry, thirsty, sick, or those in some special need, but also to those inclined to be rude, argumentative and hurtful. In this way, as you have helped us in all our troubles, we may in turn “comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort that we ourselves have received”.
Second Station

Jesus is betrayed by Judas, and restrains Peter from violence
V/. We adore o Christ and we bless you..
R/. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world..
It is one of his trusted friends that betrays Jesus, and with a kiss. The way Jesus confronted violence has a message for our times. Violence is suicidal, he tells Peter: it is not defeated by more violence, but by a superior spiritual energy that reaches out in the form of healing love. Jesus touches the High Priest’s slave and heals him. The violent man today too may need a healing touch that comes from a love that transcends the immediate issues.
Lord Jesus, you consider us your friends, yet we notice traces of infidelity in ourselves. We acknowledge our transgressions. Grant that we may not be tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine… but speaking the truth in love, grow up in every way into Christ the head.May truth and sincerity of purpose be our strength. Keep us unruffled in spirit before opposition and unfair treatment. Convince us that “gentleness” combined with “wisdom” restores tranquility in society. “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.”

Third Station

Jesus is held guilty by the Sanhedrin
V/. We adore o Christ and we bless you..
R/. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world..
In every land, there have been innocent persons who suffered, people who died fighting for freedom, equality or justice. Jesus’ manner of struggling for justice is not to rouse the collective anger of people against the opponent, so that they are led into forms of greater injustice. On the contrary, it is to challenge the foe with the rightness of one’s cause and evoke the good will of the opponent in such a way that injustice is renounced through persuasion and a change of heart.

Lord, often we judge others in haste, indifferent to actual realities and insensitive to people’s feelings! We develop stratagems of self-justification and explain away the irresponsible manner in which we have dealt with “the other”. Forgive us! When we are misjudged and ill-treated, Lord, give us the inner serenity and self-confidence that your Son manifested in the face of unjust treatment. Help us to bring your powerful word of forgiveness into situations of tension and anxiety, so that it may reveal its dynamic power in history.
Fourth Station


Jesus is denied by Peter
V/. We adore o Christ and we bless you..
R/. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.
Peter claimed to be strong, but he broke down before a servant girl. Human weakness takes us by surprise, and we collapse. That is why Jesus asks us to watch and pray. He urges self-renunciation and closeness to God. There is a rebellious “self” within us. We are often of “two minds”, but we fail to recognize this inner inconsistency. Peter recognized it when his eyes met the eyes of Jesus, and he wept.
Lord, how easily do we allow a distance to grow between what we profess to be and what we really are! How often do we fail to carry out our own decisions, or even fulfil our most solemn promises! We confess that we have failed to bring into our life that inner discipline that is expected of any adult person and required for the success of any human endeavour. Enable us to stand firm, as mature and fully convinced Christians, “in complete obedience to God’s will”.
Fifth Station

Jesus is judged by Pilate
V/. We adore o Christ and we bless you..
R/. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world. 
It was not the rightness of an issue that mattered to Pilate, but his professional interests. Pilate was not interested in the truth. He walks away from Jesus exclaiming, “What is truth?” Such indifference to truth is not uncommon these days. We pray that the “spiritual and ethical concepts” contained in the word of God will inspire the living norms of society in our times.
Lord, give us the courage to make responsible decisions when rendering a public service. Lord, you are the source of all Truth. Guide us in our search for ultimate answers. Going beyond mere partial and incomplete explanations, may we search for what is permanently true, beautiful and good.


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