10 Commandments for the pilgrim way

As the New Year continues, filled with new hope and new resolutions, here
are 10 such commandments that might serve us well as we walk the long road:
1.Acknowledge your contingency, your helplessness. You are a creature,
not the creator.You are not God, but a creature. Only God is ‘ipsum esse
subsistens’, a self–sufficient being. Like all creatures, you’re dependent and
interdependent. Life works when you acknowledge this, when you accept that you
can’t give yourself life. All is gift. If you try to live the illusion of
self–sufficiency and try to guarantee your own immortality, you mimic the sin
of Adam and Eve, complete with all the futility of effort, the lording–it–over,
and the alienation from nature that ensues. Proper living begins with the
words: “I am not God!”
2.Pray prayers of helplessness, gratitude, and praise. Pray always! Also
pray formally each day. By your baptism you’re a priest. Pray as priest: Hold
the world up each day to God. Hold up both its wonders and its pain. Pray in
gratitude, thanking God, not just for “this or that”, but for life itself, for
light, for this earth, for those who love you. Pray from your weaknesses and
helplessness: “Lord, hang on to me lest I slip away from you. Do for me what I
cannot do for myself.”
3.Welcome and accept the present moment. Life is what happens to you
while you’re planning your life. Don’t let the busyness, pressures, and
heartaches of life steal the present moment from you. Only it is real. Drink it
in, with all it carries. It’s the only place you will experience love and joy.
If not now–when? If not with these people–with whom? If now here–where?
4.Give yourself permission to be inadequate. Both God and nature give
you permission not to be perfect. Don’t be too hard on yourself and,
especially, on others. Everyone falls short. God doesn’t keep you from falling
and failing, but redeems you when you do fall. You’re loved as you are. Fear
not, you are inadequate!
5.Be sufficiently loving and critical, both at the same time. If you’re
critical without being loving, you’re destructive. If you’re loving without
being critical, you’re weak. Your loved ones, your church, and your community
need you to be loving and critical, both at the same time. Don’t blackmail
community by constantly threatening your withdrawal. Love, be critical, and
stay. Pull from your bag the new as well as the old.
6.Be post–ideological, post personal–history, post–conservative,
post–liberal, post–naive, and post–sophisticated. Be non-classifiable. Have an
unlisted number as regards being liberal or conservative. Admit that the right
and left have both run out of imagination and that their sympathies are
highly–selective. Don’t be naive, but don’t be sophisticated either. See both
as phases to pass through. Forgive your past.
7. Bless what’s good and beautiful, even as you stand where the cross of
Christ is erected. Bless what’s good in the world. Never, for the sake of
cause, orthodoxy or justice, denigrate beauty. All that’s good and beautiful
has God as author. Honour it, before speaking any word of challenge to the
world. Imitate Christ: First bless the world and its goodness and, only then,
go stand where the cross is perennially erected, where the excluded ones in the
culture find themselves.
8.Be shockingly ‘Catholic’ — earthy and wine-drinking. Bask in the
goodness of life. We have divine permission to be happy. God invented wine.
Jesus scandalised people with his capacity to enjoy life. He drank wine and let
his heart be warmed by friends. Don’t confuse John the Baptist with Jesus. John
was the ascetic, not Jesus.
9.Accept aging. Rely more on the paschal mystery than on cosmetics. All
that dies brings rich new life, even our own bodies. Paschal wisdom will do
more for your joy than a face–lift. Aging needs to be defined aesthetically.
Your soul must be properly aged before it leaves and your body, like an old
wine–barrel, takes on a different function and beauty as you age. Aging is an
art form.
10.Serve the right God! God, as Julian of Norwich assures us, “is
completely relaxed and courteous, himself the happiness and peace of his dear
friends, his beautiful face, radiating measureless love, like a marvellous
symphony.” Don’t serve any other God than this One. Don’t bow to any molten
calf, created in the image and likeness of our own tensions and bitterness.
(taken from Fr. R. Rolheiser, omi).
(taken from Fr. R. Rolheiser, omi).
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