Liturgical ranting...

So here I am doing my research for my Liturgical Law papers and I come across this post from Fr. Tom Richstatter. It may seem like a bit of a non-academic rant, so to speak, but he makes some good points, in my humble opinion. As the Gospel says, "let those who have ears hear!". Role of General Liturgical Principles: These "General Liturgical Principles" are important to understand obedience to liturgical law. Obedience to liturgical law requires knowledge of three things: 1. General Liturgical principles 2. The norms or rubrics 3. Pastoral Sensitivity To obey liturgical law is to 1. use pastoral sensitivity to 2. assure that the norms 3. achieve the end envisioned by the general liturgical principles. The "General Liturgical Principles" are the "goal" statements, the purpose of the law, the "why's," the "what's the law for?" statements. What are some of these? Examples of General Liturgical ...