"Come and see"

Although it is only mid-January, the snowdrops and the daffodils have already broken through the dark earth and are brightening up our days, reminding us Spring is on the way. Some people notice, some don’t! In this Sunday’s Gospel, we are presented with John, he’s a person who notices things. Moreso, he notices people. Pointing to Jesus, he exclaims: “there is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. Every relationship deepens and our life changes when we notice things about others. So, what do you notice about others? The disciples desire to know Jesus, they ask: “Where do you live?”…his response: “Come and see”…Come, love me without fear, trust me without questioning and need me without demanding. When God calls you to a personal relationship as his disciple, you remember the precise moment when it all made sense because nothing made sense. Heart speaks to heart! The disciples recall:"It was the tenth hour" (Jn 1:37). Praying for each one of you that this Sunday you may hear this words of the Lord in a personal and new way!


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