Visit to the offices of the liturgical magazine: "La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa"

Sr. Annamaria giving us the grand tour!
On an apostolic level, Fr. Alberione promoted the printing of popular editions of the Bible and used the swiftest instrument of the time,periodicals,to help the message of Christ reach even those furthest away. He had already begun the magazine Vita Pastorale (The Pastoral Life) in 1912 for parish priests. In 1931 he launched Famiglia Cristiana, (Christian Home) a weekly magazine to nourish the Christian life of families. Other periodicals followed: (Madre di Dio) Mother of God (1933), “to reveal the beauty and greatness of Mary to people”; Pastor Bonus (Good Shepherd) (1937), a monthly magazine in Latin; Via, Verità e Vita (Way, Truth, Life) (1952), a monthly dedicated to the teaching of Christian doctrine; (La Vita in Cristo nella Chiesa) Life in Christ and in the Church (1952), to help people “get to know the treasures of the Liturgy, disseminate the things that serve it, and live it according to the mind of the Church.” Turning his attention to young people, Fr. Alberione began the weekly children's magazine, Il Giornalino (The Little Newspaper).

All these magazines aforementioned continue to be in circulation today, with the liturgical magazine "La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa", under the care of the PDDM, available also in Porteguese. Throughout the years attempts were made to diffuse it in French and English but it's success was shortlived. 

After 58 years of edition, the magazine continues to be an important and valid liturgical resource in the Italian Church and for others abroad who subscribe to it. The expertise and liturgical preparation of those who write the articles is greatly appreciated, their experience drawing primarily from 'lived liturgy'. Generally, it is a publication of 70 pages which treat a number of arguments. Some of the regular features are the weekly preparation of the Word of God from a liturgical point of view espousing biblical exegesis, letters from the readers, liturgical catechesis regarding the sacraments and sacramentals, exploration of other rites in the Church. In past issues throughout this year, the editorial team have included the lives of the saints who have been recently beatified or canonised, reminding us of the journey of holiness which cannot be seperated from a liturgical life, celebrated and lived in fullness. On occasion, the publication offers explanations on recent episcopal or papal documents which are pertinent for the faithful. Anothe regular feature is the section on book reviews, spiritual exercises and liturgical formation courses.

Recalling the longevity of the magazine is an opportunity to thank God for the courage and enterprise skills and expertise of such sisters like M. M.Lucia Ricci, Sr. M. Marcellina Brentali, Sr. M. Francesca Marchegiani, who took the first steps together with Fr. Alberione to bring this publication to life.
 Throughout the years many PDDM have collaborated with their various gifts, in writing, photography, graphics, proofreading, co-ordination skills for diffusion and propaganda.

1st edition of 'La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa'
 The headquarters and editorial offices of our magazine are found in Via Portuense (our present community), so no better way to get to know more about this apostolic work to go and visit the offices and listen to the experience of the sisters who work here! One of our junior sisters Sr. Annamaria, who works for the magazine, gave us the tour of the offices and explained what is involved in preparing the magazine. Currently there are between 4-5 sisters working there including one sister who works full time in the subscriptions sector. Sometimes, the postulants or the novices have a period of apostolic experience here.One of the first treasures which we saw was the very first edition of 'La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa' which was published in January 1952 by the printing press of the Society of St. Paul. Today, the magazine is a manual of formation with over 600 pages a year, divided into 10 monthly editions. From the beginning of 1960 to 1976, the magazine was completed with a supplement "Decor and beauty in the House of God", with the scope of explaining all the articles which are used for the liturgical celebrations.

Currently, the magazine "La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa" exists in Brazil. It is not a simple translation of the Italian version but a glossy periodical revelant for the Brazilian Church which is in circulation since 1974, with the title "Revista de liturgia, a vida em Cristo e na Igreja". It continues to be a popular liturgical resource for both clergy and laity alike, as well as a source of ongoing liturgical and ecclesial formation.

When Fr. Alberione, in the first edition in 1952, presented the magazine La Vita in Cristo e nella Chiesa, he likened it to a fire, saying: " When it blazes in your hearts it is impossible to contain it; neither would it be connvenient to do so. Let it blaze, therefore: so it may enlighten and enflame and as a taper which lights other lights; may it inflame hearts so they may love; nourishing the flame of the apostolate". This is our blessing and our hope for the ongoing success of the  magazine and for the sisters who are currently involved in its publication.  Website of the magazine
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