The countdown begins...
It's hard to believe but just another 24 hours and we're about to begin our three month intense preparation for Perpetual Profession. So who's 'we'!? A group of 8 junior sisters (sisters with temporary vows) gathered from 8 different nations are here in Rome to journey together, to explore even further the beauty of the vocation as Disciples of the Divine Master which God has so generously given to each one of us. In the upcoming days, I'll introduce you to the gang! It's a time to grow even more in our convictions, our communion with each other and to become freer in our definitive 'YES' which we want to shout out to the world with our Perpetual Profession, that is, our commitment to break open the alabaster jar of our lives, just like the woman at Bethany, and to let the perfume of our service break free and touch the lives of many, an endless giving and receiving of life.
The course begins with the celebration of the Eucharist this Sunday at 9.00 a.m (local time) in the magnificent Church of Jesus the Divine Master, Rome, together with our sisters from the various Roman communities and in communion with our sisters in 31 countries in the world.We're counting on your prayers and've stuck by us all so far so please remember each one in this grace-filled time. We are all 'works in progress'....but the Master, the Divine Sculptor continues to chip away at us and bring out the true image which is in each one of us!
My prayer is with you, ladies, all the way from Argentina...
ReplyDeleteMay the good Lord continues to bless you all!!
Our prayers and wishes to all of you.
ReplyDeleteYour Sistrs U.S.A
Thanks to all for the prayers, we can feel them from across the ocean!