The Road to Emmaus

Emmaus- a destination away from the place of crushed dreams, crushed hopes, crushed belief. Jerusalem- the place of betrayal, of lies, of deceit, of a Messiah who was misunderstood, rejected, destroyed by weak men and women who did not know to whom they belonged- they were children, disciples, beloved. All thrown away with thirty silver pieces of our human pride and fickleness. On the way to Emmaus, He will join them and ask: "What are these things you are discussing along the way?" He knew the answer but He allows them tell their story in that sacred space of listening. They stop and once more a story is told- of expectations, of hope, of disillusionment, of failure. And under those clouds they walk away Their story is our story- we dream, we hope, we believe and in an instance all can be crushed by those around us- the modern day Pilate or Calvary soldiers who wash their hands so as to avoid defending what is truth. We are betrayed, we are li...