
Showing posts from August, 2022

Walking on water

Even the most courageous people have fears to overcome. Fear does horrible things to us. It makes us doubt those closest to us and it can make us afraid to love because we are afraid of being rejected. If you ask someone what they are afraid of, at first they may answer with something tangible, like spiders or heights or water. If you probe a little deeper, they might volunteer that they are afraid of death, of suffering, of losing a loved one, of failure, of loneliness. Fear about tomorrow is what keeps people awake at night! In todayā€™s Gospel, we see the disciples in the middle of a storm which threatens to capsize their boat. It isnā€™t long before they are afraid. ā€œThe boat arrived at the shore to which they were headingā€: On the water, Jesus doesnā€™t need to get into the boat. Jesus is doing just fine without them or their boat- Itā€™s that they need Jesus. So many people know Jesus is there, just outside their boat, but they wonā€™t let Him get in. He wants to get in, and weā€™ve esta...