
Showing posts from June, 2022

Heart speaks to Heart- Cor ad cor loquitur!

This motto of Blessed Cardinal John Newman is what comes to my mind and heart for the feastday of the Sacred Heart. Over the next two days we will celebrate the hearts of Jesus and of Mary: Friday is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and then Saturday the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Nowadays it seems that the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been archived back to the time of our grandparents or our parents but it still has so much to offer us as a spiritual treasure and understanding of our relationship with Jesus. Fr. William Byrne reminds us that the "devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a human heart that is inflamed with divine love, is a powerful meditation and an important theological bridge that helps us understand who Jesus is and how much he loves us." I am reposting his five reasons to adore the Sacred Heart as I think they are very insightful: 1. A Sacred Sonogram - Imagine if sonograms had existed at the time of Jesus. Just a little more than a week after...

Rest in peace Fr Chris

Today I received the sad news of the death of one of my classmates and friends Fr. Chris Lee. We studied together in the Canon Law programme in St. Paulā€™s, Ottawa in 2012-2013, sharing part of the pilgrimage of life together as students in the University of St. Paul, Ottawa and in Deschalets OMI Student Residence. Beauty was a prism through which you saw life- you used to drive us (and the professors!) crazy with all your photo-taking yet when we all dispersed to our different countries after our time together in Ottawa, the photos served as precious memories, snapshots into the communion and friendship that knitted together our motley group! We had many adventures together, especially visiting parts of Ottawa and attending different cultural events. You loved new experiences and meeting new people and immortalising it all with your camera. We had great fun with the snow, the ice and 'walking on water'/aka Rideau Canal for Winterfest, savouring the million tulips during the ...