Beauty in woundedness

Today we celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Easter, Domenica in Albis, also known in the Church as Divine Mercy Sunday. On the Cross, as Jesus died, his sacred side was pierced by a lance. From there, blood and water gushed forth and so the Church is born from the wounded side of Christ. Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, explained the reason for which Blessed John Paul II desired to call this Sunday after Easter āDivine Mercy Sundayā. He writes: "He ( John Paul II) had this icon in mind: that of the pierced side of Christ, from which flow blood and water. But now Christ is risen, and from the Living Christ spring the Easter Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist: those who approach them with faith receive the gift of eternal life. In the Diary of Divine Mercy, in the revelations to St. Faustina, Jesus tells her that the two rays in the Divine Mercy image denote the Blood (the Eucharist) which is the life of souls, and the Water (Baptism) that makes souls righteous." In the G...