Listen… Gospel Reflection for 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time
I have at times witnessed a parenting technique my brother would use with my 5-year-old niece. When she was distracted or he wanted to call extra attention to what he was saying, he would tell her to put on her ‘listening ears.’ I would smile to myself as she made the gesture of putting her hands up to her ears to show that she was truly listening. This Sunday’s Gospel is asking each one of us to put on our ‘listening ears.’ We witness an encounter between a scribe and Jesus. When approached and asked which is the first the commandments, Jesus answers with the words of the Shema, a simple but life-immersing prayer which the Jewish people would pray at least twice daily to remind them of who gave them life, who gives love, who gives us other brothers and sisters to walk alongside and practice and receive love. It was a prayer also which would have been formative for Jesus, and he drew upon it in his teachings: ‘Listen, Israel…’ The call to listen should stir in us something – a sti...