Doubt your doubt and not your faith

Today we celebrate the feast of St Thomas the Apostle. Many remember him more for his doubt rather than his heart-filled expression of faith which is often found on the lips of Christians: ''My Lord and my God'. Thomas comes to faith when he has the chance to voice his doubt. All of us carry doubts, about ourselves, our family and friends, our Church and even doubts about God. But we can't remain in doubt. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. The greatest seed of doubt which the devil tries to plant in us is that we are not loved nor lovable, not good enough nor worth fighting for. We only have to look to the cross to see the determination and love of God who gives his Son for us and we see that this doubt cannot be true. Don't dig up in doubt what was planted in faith. If we were quicker to doubts our doubts than doubt our faith, our lives would be very different. However we pilgrim along, some days we carry the doubt but then other days we are able to...