
Showing posts from May, 2021

Visiting each other!

  I have a friend who always ends our skype calls with ā€˜Itā€™s been good to visit with youā€™. I often smile to myself because itā€™s not really a phrase we use here in Ireland. Yet it never ceases to make me reflect. Every interaction, each phone call, WhatsApp, each text, each emoji, each video-call, is actually a visit with someone. We allow them in our lives and we are invited into theirs- we walk on the holy ground of each other's lives, let us tread gently!  This evening at the conclusion of the Marian Rosary Marathon to end the pandemic, Pope Francis asked our Lady, Un-doer of Knots  to untie 5 knots; significantly the 1st knot being that of loneliness and indifference. Whilst technology became a stronger lifeline for many during these past 18 months, we constantly are reminded that it canā€™t replace being actually present in person- this applies for our public worship, for our celebrating the joys and sorrows of life, for marking milestones etc.   During the pan...

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought that we would shed tears of joy and emotion as we gathered for Mass after 6 months of not gathering with friends and fellow pilgrims? Who would have thought that we would ask people not to sing 'Alleluia' but to sing in the depth of their hearts, nourishing the Resurrection cry, a burst of hope which for the moment remains silent from the assembly? Who would have thought that we would refrain from shaking the hand of another but look each other in the eye at the sign of peace- our eyes being the smile hidden behind our protective masks, an exchange of true shalom? Who would have thought that we would weep because once more we can receive Jesus in the Eucharist, our Bread of Life? Who would have thought that we would awkwardly 'elbow-bump' with each other when we meet, knowing this social convention is us silently saying to each other: "I am glad you are still alive, that the virus didn't get you? Who would have thought? No-one cou...

May Day- May Day!

My Dad's garden Not a cry of distress but a reminder of a feastday we have in Ireland- May Day (1st of May).  I was thinking back to the years in primary school where we prepared May altars religiously. My Dad was a brilliant gardener and had a beautiful garden, however we werenā€™t allowed to pick the flowers that often! One of those few occasions was for the school May Altar when it was ā€˜our turnā€™ to bring the flowers. I was always so proud to bring in that big bunch of red homegrown roses, purple lupin, bright orange marigolds, pretty forget-me-nots, vibrant dahlias and pure white lilies. Not only did they look beautiful but the perfume would fill the classroom and the other teachers who popped in would all comment on the beautiful flowers! I remember other times when the younger kids from the neighbourhood would try and ā€˜borrowā€™ some flowers. My Dad, possessive as he was of his hybrid roses, would give in and often snip one off and give it to the...