"Sing to the Lord a new song....."- Prayer for Musicians and Liturgists

To see the artist of this image Grant unto us, O Lord, nerves of steel that we may dare to sing a new song - and teach others to sing it too. Grant unto us, O Lord, iron hands that we might grasp the nettle of new music. yet, grant unto us, O Lord, velvet fingers that we may touch tenderly the sensibilities of Your people. Grant unto us, O Lord, feet light as feathers that we may tread softly on the eggshells placed in our path yet, grant unto us, O Lord, firm footsteps that we might follow where You would have us go. Grant unto us, O Lord, occasional failing memory that we may forget the harsh criticisms of our taste in music yet, grant unto us, O Lord, memory clear as crystal that we may remember the joy - and comfort - that our words and music bring. Grant unto us, O Lord, the tongues of angels that we may create harmony of discord. Grant unto us, O Lord, shoulders of Teflon that the mud that shall be cast shall not stick. And above all else, dear Lord, grant unto us space an...