Be-attitudes for a new week!

The Beatitudes are the Gospel's commentary on "attitude" Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will always have entertainment. Blessed are those who can distinguish between a mountain and a molehill; they will save themselves a lot of trouble. Blessed are those who can rest and sleep without looking for excuses; they will become wise. Blessed are those who are intelligent enough not to take themselves too seriously; they will be appreciated. Blessed are you if you can look seriously at small things and peacefully at serious things; you will go far in life. Blessed are you if you can admire a smile and forget a scowl; your path will be sunlit. Blessed are you if you can always interpret the attitudes of others with good will, even when appearances are to the contrary; you may seem naive, but that is the price of charity. Blessed are those who think before acting and who laugh before thinking; they will avoid foolish mistakes. Blesse...