The ABCs of Fostering, Supporting and Nurturing Vocations within the Home

I found this great post over at so thought I would share it. A postles. From the very beginning, help your children see that a Christian is meant to make a difference in the world around him, we are Christās ambassadors. Light of the world and salt of the earth. Make them aware that their faith is a gift and talent to share. A nswer your children's questions about priesthood or religious life; never discourage them or ridicule them if they bring it up. Baptism. Celebrate each oneās Baptism Day as well as birthday ā and yours too. Build family traditions around the celebrationā¦ a specially decorated Baptism Candle that you light for the occasion with a special prayerā¦, displaying photos of their baptism.., writing a card or saying a prayer for the priest who baptized themā¦. B ring your family to an Ordination Mass or prayer vigil for religious. C atechism. Teach, explain, challenge and have them memorize. Always connect it with life. C hallenge your teenagers ...