
Showing posts from October, 2015

Dare to be a saint!

We need saints without veils or cassock.  We need saints who wear jeans and sneakers.  We need saints who go to the movies, listen to music and hang out with friends.  We need saints who put God in first place, but who let go of their power.  We need saints who have time everyday to pray and who know how to date in purity and chastity, or who consecrate their chastity.  We need modern saints, Saints of the 21st century with a spirituality that is part of our time.  We need saints committed to the poor and the necessary social changes.  We need saints who live in the world and who are sanctified in the world, who are not afraid to live in the world.  We need saints who drink Coke and eat hot dogs, who wear jeans, who are Internet-savvy, who listen to CDs.  We need saints who passionately love the Eucharist and who are not ashamed to drink a soda or eat pizza on weekends with friends.  We need saints who like movies, the theater, music, ...

Getting ready for the Solemnity of All Saints!

Communion of Saints by Elizabeth Wang A cross post from the Aggie Catholic blog She wrote this in 2013 so some of the saints have changed title since! "The top 50 Saintsā€™ quotes, in an arbitrary ranking. -ā€œIgnorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.ā€ St. Jerome ā€œSince Christ Himself has said, ā€œThis is My Bodyā€ who shall dare to doubt that It is His Body?ā€ -St. Cyril of Jerusalem ā€œTeach us to give and not count the cost.ā€ -St. Ignatius de Loyola ā€œPray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.ā€ -St. Augustine ā€œDonā€™t you long to shout to those youths who are bustling around you: Fools! Leave those worldly things that shackle the heart ā€“ and very often degrade it ā€“ leave all that and come with us in search of Love!ā€ -St. Josemaria Escriva ā€œFor me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards Heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.ā€ -St. Therese of Lisieux ā€œTo convert somebody g...

Evening of Liturgical Formation: Praying the Divine Office- An Introduction

Praying the Divine Office- An Introduction ā€œThe purpose of the Divine Office is to sanctify the day and all human activity.ā€ ā€“ Apostolic Constitution, Canticum Laudis. The Liturgy of the Hours is the richest single prayer resource of the Christian Church, with prayers, psalms and readings for each of the Hours, changing each day and through the seasons. Have you ever wondered what the Divine Office is? Who can pray it? How do we pray it? Fr. Damian McNeice, Master of Ceremonies of the Archdiocese of Dublin, will walk us through and explain the Divine Office, of which Morning/Evening Prayer are part, showing us the great treasures which we have in praying together the Liturgy of the Hours.  When: 4th of November 2015 Time: 7.30 -9.30 pm Venue: Divine Master Convent, Newtownpark Avenue, White's Cross, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. For more information: or 01 2114949. All are welcome.

Trackless solitude- a poem by Jessica Powers

Deep in the soul the acres lie of virgin land, of sacred wood where waits the Spirit. Each soul bears this trackless solitude. The Voice invites, implores in vain the fearful and the unaware; but she who heeds and enters in finds ultimate wisdom there. The Spirit lights the way for her; Bramble and brush are pushed apart. He lures her into wilderness but to rejoice her heart. Beneath the glistening foliage the fruit of love hangs always near, The one immortal fruit: He is or, tasted: He is here. Love leads and she surrenders to His will, His waylessness of grace. She speaks no word, save His, nor moves until He marks the place. Hence all her paths are mystery, Presaging a divine unknown. Her only light is in the creed that she is not alone. The soul that wanders, Spirit led, becomes, in His transforming shade, the secret that she was, in God, Before the world was made.

Time Out with God

The next day of prayer for women aged 20-40 is on the 14th of November 2015 at the Divine Master Centre, Newtownpark Avenue, White's Cross, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. We hope to hold these gatherings on the 2nd Saturday of each month so you can mark them in your diary. You are welcome to arrive after 10am, join with us for Mass at 11.30 am, lunch about 12. 30 pm and Evening Praye r at 6pm and supper afterwards. Eucharistic Adoration continues in our Chapel until 10 pm. The idea is to give young women a space to pray, chat, talk with one of the sisters if they wish, all in an atmosphere of prayer and mutual respect. Kindly inform the sisters if you plan on attending by Facebook message (PDDM Dublin) or email Sr. Louise at or call the convent at 01 211494 01 211494 9. Provision can be made for accommodation if you are travelling. Cost- donation only. Please spread the word!