
Showing posts from May, 2014

Three little letters: J.C.L!

Post- comprehensive exam smiles! Three little letters but they caused a lot of work, study, stress and even some sweat and tears along the way. But it was worth it! J.C.L is the title which we are given after we complete our studies in Canon Law at a licentiate level. It stands for Juris Canonici Licentia, literally, licence in Canon Law. It has been a long and busy two years of study and exams but the time had come to transform that knowledge into some kind of coherent thoughts and follow through with the Comprehensive exam. The Comprehensive exam is a one hour oral exam which is carried out before four professors. You are permitted to pick fifteen themes out of seventy-five to get you started for the exam but you are expected to know all the themes in the Code of Canon Law which is not mean feat I tell you! So after we finished classes and our exams for our other course, we had a few days to prepare for the dreaded comps! Our residence Deschatelets was so quiet. First yea...

And the goodbyes start!

ā€œFor every goodbye, God also provides a helloā€ (Proverb). Well, all good things must come to an end! As my time in Ottawa draws to a close, it is time to say goodbye to many people who have been woven into my life over these past two years. Some of these very special people belong to the local parish which I have been attending. When I arrived in Ottawa back in August 2012, one of my friends who is a bilingual (English-Spanish) speaking priest invited me to attend Mass in the local parish Church which welcomes Hispanics from around Ottawa. With a little bit of apprehension I went along albeit knowing a few words of Spanish but with a desire to experience this reality which seemed like a good way to start a new journey in a new country. Words do not do justice to the wonderful sense of family and community which I have experienced there each Sunday and also each Thursday when I would attend for Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. This is Church! The warmth of the Latin Ameri...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2014

MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 51st WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS 11 MAY 2014 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Theme: Vocations, Witness to the Truth  Dear Brothers and Sisters, 1. The Gospel says that ā€œJesus went about all the cities and villages... When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ā€˜The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvestā€™ā€ (Mt 9:35-38). These words surprise us, because we all know that it is necessary first to plow, sow and cultivate to then, in due time, reap an abundant harvest. Jesus says instead that ā€œthe harvest is plentifulā€. But who did the work to bring about these results? There is only one answer: God. Clearly the field of which Jesus is speaking is humanity, us. And the efficacious action which has borne ā€œmuch fruitā€ is the grace of God, that is, commu...

The Walk To Emmaus

'Twas eventide. Along the dusty road   Two weary travelers passed with aching feet  And heavy hearts, while each in saddened tones   The story of their Lord would oft repeat.  We yearn for Him, and is it not three days   Since first He lay within the silent tomb?  Yet when we hastened to His resting place,   Our Lord had gone; His grave was wrapt in gloom.  Communing thus, these weary travelers went.   Their hearts oppressed by mingled doubt and fear;  When lo! along the road to Emmaus   Their Lord, the risen Christ Himself, drew near.  With gentle voice He asked of them their grief,ā€“  "Why are ye sad? and O, what troubleth thee?"  They knew not that the loving Master spoke,   Their eyes were holden, that they could not see.  And one replied: "We know not where He is,ā€“  Our Lord, who promised Israel to redeem.  Art thou a stranger in Jerusalem?   And knowest not what marvelous things have be...