Three little letters: J.C.L!

Post- comprehensive exam smiles! Three little letters but they caused a lot of work, study, stress and even some sweat and tears along the way. But it was worth it! J.C.L is the title which we are given after we complete our studies in Canon Law at a licentiate level. It stands for Juris Canonici Licentia, literally, licence in Canon Law. It has been a long and busy two years of study and exams but the time had come to transform that knowledge into some kind of coherent thoughts and follow through with the Comprehensive exam. The Comprehensive exam is a one hour oral exam which is carried out before four professors. You are permitted to pick fifteen themes out of seventy-five to get you started for the exam but you are expected to know all the themes in the Code of Canon Law which is not mean feat I tell you! So after we finished classes and our exams for our other course, we had a few days to prepare for the dreaded comps! Our residence Deschatelets was so quiet. First yea...