Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
Each and every one of us is called to a particular vocation in life: “If you will be what you should be, you will set the world afire. Don’t be content with the small things: he, the Lord God, wants them great” (St. Catherine). Talk about a straight talking invite to follow the Lord. No ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’, no half measures! Don’t be contented with a mediocre life when God is holding out his hand to you to follow him in love and for love. “The heart is always drawn by love” (Dialogue 26). Love transforms everything. Christ lives in the measure which we are transformed each day. Just like the tomb of Jesus is empty, nothing remains in death’s prison. Our existence is a manifestation of his love for us, won by the Cross. Yet, the world today tries to show us that we don’t need God, that we can have societies and families without him. Little by little we push him aside, we become disconnected from God. We will never find our real vocation in life if we do not immerse ourselves in Him...