
Showing posts from May, 2012

Recharging the batteries: Desert Day!

Every first Sunday of the month, we have a desert day in our community: a day of silence, solitary prayer and reflection. I see it as my day to recharge! Itā€™s the day where I recharge my spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological batteries in Godā€™s presence. It is a day spent in silence. Our Rule of Life reminds us: ā€œwe appreciate silence as a precious gift which prepares the way for an authentic relationship with God and among ourselves. In recollection, we draw the strength of clarification, of purification and consecration on what is essentialā€ (Rule of Life, 66) Therefore, it becomes the opportunity to look back over the past month and see where the Lord has worked on me, challenged me, moulded me. I see where I have fought with Him, resisted Him, doubted Him, most importantly I see how I have loved Him and how He has and continues to love me, despite my flaws and weaknesses. I reorientate my gaze, my emotions, and my thoughts. I look through the baggage which I might have...

May Day-May Day!

My Dad's garden Today my Dad was on my mind a lot. Itā€™s May Day and I was thinking back to the years in primary schools where we prepared May altars religiously. My Dad was a brilliant gardener and had a beautiful garden, however we werenā€™t allowed to pick the flowers that often! One of those few occasions was for the school May Altar when it was ā€˜our turnā€™ to bring the flowers. I was always so proud to bring in that big bunch of red homegrown roses, purple lupin, bright orange marigolds, pretty forget-me-nots, vibrant dahlias and pure white lilies. Not only did they look beautiful but the perfume would fill the classroom and the other teachers who popped in would all comment on the beautiful flowers! I remember other times when the younger kids from the neighbourhood would try and ā€˜borrowā€™ some flowers. My Dad, possessive as he was of his hybrid roses, would give in and often snip one off and give it to the child, who would skip away, happy as larry, and possibly out of ...