The pilgrim returns....'s been a while...too long but it is good to be back! This time I greet you from Irish soil, from our community in Dublin to be precise where I am currently missioned so I am looking forward to catching up with old friends over the next few weeks. After returning from Rome in May, life has been a rollercoaster of events! The last blogs detailed the going-on's of our trimester course in preparation for Perpetual Profession of the 'first eight' as we were fondly known! Since then, 7 of us have made our Perpetual vows....the 8th, Sr. M. Cecilia will be making hers on the 9th of July so we continue to keep her in our prayers. Sr. Emma Luna , our sister from Mexico started the ball rolling and had her special day on the 30th of January 2011, next was Sr. M. Kelly Silva de Oliveira on the 5th of February in Brazil, then Sr. M. Gabriela Kubecka in Poland on the 13th of February, Sr. Justine Zongo from Burkina Faso on the 14th of May, Sr. M. Marta Soza ...