
Maria, Madre del sì

                                                                                                                            Maria, Madre del sì , tu hai ascoltato Gesù e conosci il timbro della sua voce e il battito del suo cuore. Stella del mattino, parlami di Lui e raccontami il tuo cammino per seguirlo nella via della fede. Tu, che a Nazareth hai abitato con Gesù, imprimi nella mia vita i tuoi sentimenti, la tua docilità, il tuo silenzio che ascolta e fa fiorire la Parola in scelte di vera libertà. Parlami di Gesù, perché la freschezza della mia fede brilli in me e scaldi il cuore di chi incontro. Vergine del Magnificat, aiutami a portare la gioia nel mondo e, come ...

Waiting in joyful hope! Advent begins

Advent begins not with a cute baby scene but one which might even disturb us. We do not begin our Advent journey with the baby Jesus snuggled in the arms of his parents all aglow in a tranquil postpartum nativity scene.  Instead we begin right in the middle of the birth pains that accompany a difficult delivery. The prophet Isaiah lets out a gut wrenching cry: “O God that you would tear open the heavens and come down.”  The world around us is in turmoil, God.  We need your presence.  Come and occupy our world now! The world cries out for the Lord. Nowadays people don’t like waiting. In the past I’ve thought of waiting as wasted time, such as when I wait for a bus or in a doctor’s surgery. This kind of waiting requires little action on our part; it’s mostly a matter of biding our time. Everything is so instantaneous that we no longer know how to wait. Yet, these are opportunities to pray. The Second Reading from St. Paul reminds us that as we wait, we do so w...

"It's good to visit..."

  I have a friend who always ends our skype calls with ‘It’s been good to visit with you’. I often smile to myself because it’s not really a phrase we use in Ireland. A 'visit' to someone is usually in person. Yet it never ceases to make me reflect. Every interaction, each phone call, WhatsApp, each text, each emoji, each video-call, is in fact a visit with someone. This first year in the ministry as a General Councillor, I have learned how important the fraternal/canonical visitation is, as I travelled to our different communities throughout the world. When we visit someone, or they visit us, we allow them in our lives and we are invited into theirs- we walk on the holy ground of each other's lives, let us tread gently! On this beautiful feastday of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, my prayer for each of us is that the joy will be like that of Mary and Elizabeth when they met, as we recognise Christ in each other. May we reach out to those ...

Only God...

  Only God can create, but we are called upon to value that creation.  Only God can give life, but we are called to transmit it and respect it.  Only God can make growth happen, but we are called to guide it and give it direction.  Only God can give faith, but we are called to be signs of God to one another.  Only God can give love, but we are called to grow in caring for each other.  Only God can give hope, but we are called to enable people to believe in themselves.  Only God can give power and energy, but we are called upon to get things going.  Only God can give peace, but we are called to build bonds that bring people together.  Only God can give happiness, but we are invited to laugh.  Only God is the way, but we are called to show it to others.  Only God is the light, but we are called to let it shine forth in the world.  Only God can make miracles happen, we are invited to offer our five loaves and two fishes.  Onl...

Who would have thought..?

3 years ago we were giving thanks for being able to return to public are some thoughts I penned at that time. Who would have thought that we would shed tears of joy and emotion as we gathered for Mass after 6 months of not gathering with friends and fellow pilgrims? Who would have thought that we would ask people not to sing 'Alleluia' but to sing in the depth of their hearts, nourishing the Resurrection cry, a burst of hope which for the moment remains silent from the assembly? Who would have thought that we would refrain from shaking the hand of another but look each other in the eye at the sign of peace- our eyes being the smile hidden behind our protective masks, an exchange of true shalom? Who would have thought that we would weep because once more we can receive Jesus in the Eucharist, our Bread of Life? Who would have thought that we would awkwardly 'elbow-bump' with each other when we meet, knowing this social convention is us silently saying to e...

May Day, May Day!

  My Dad's garden Not a cry of distress but a reminder of a feastday we have in Ireland- May Day (1st of May).  I was thinking back to the years in primary school where we prepared May altars religiously. My Dad was a brilliant gardener and had a beautiful garden, however we weren’t allowed to pick the flowers that often! One of those few occasions was for the school May Altar when it was ‘our turn’ to bring the flowers. I was always so proud to bring in that big bunch of red homegrown roses, purple lupin, bright orange marigolds, pretty forget-me-nots, vibrant dahlias and pure white lilies. Not only did they look beautiful but the perfume would fill the classroom and the other teachers who popped in would all comment on the beautiful flowers! I remember other times when the younger kids from the neighbourhood would try and ‘borrow’ some flowers. My Dad, possessive as he was of his hybrid roses, would give in and often snip one off and give it to the child, who would...

Easter Blessings

Woman, run and announce that the washed feet at the Agape of Love are now the feet which bring tidings of hope, peace, joy to all the world.  Woman, run and proclaim the Good News that Jesus lives, life has sprung from the tomb of death. Woman, run and tell the world that He calls each one by name: Mary- Rabbuni-the intimacy of love. Woman, run and shout to humanity that even when it seems hope has been extinguished, it will burst from the shackles of oppression and conquer death, hatred and fear.  Woman, run- because you are alive, He is alive! Alleluia!   “The dawn has come and the morning star rises!” (2 Pet 1: 19)  With hope-filled greetings for you for a blessed and peaceful Easter! Sr .M. Louise