
Somewhere there must be a ray of light that dispels the darkness of the future,
a hope that does not permit itself to be slain by disenchantment,
a faith that does not lose immediately faith in itself.
Somewhere there must be an innocent child that demons have not conquered,
a freshness of life which does not emanate rottenness,
a happiness not founded on the misfortune of others.
Somewhere there must be a wise wake-up call that alerts one to the dangers of self-destructing games,
a gravity that one dares take seriously
and a goodness whose root is not simply restrained evil.
Somewhere there must be a beauty that continues to be beauty,
a pure conscience that does not hide a solitary crime;
there must be a love for life that does not speak an ambiguous language
and a freedom that does not rely on the oppression of others.

Maria Wine


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