50 years .....and counting!
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118).
This weekend our communities in Ireland are in great celebration because we celebrate 50 years of presence as a religious Congregation. In occasion of this celebration, I am going to take the opportunity to share a little about who were are. Since I have arrived in Canada, I realise that so few people have actually heard of us..shock horror!
I am sharing with you some fragments from a booklet put together by a good friend of ours, fondly known as 'Dan the Gatherer', because he gathered together spiritual and charismatic gems in one booklet to share with our collaborators, friends and Adorers in the Adoration programmes in Ireland. It gives a flavour of who were are and what we do. It's interesting to see how others see us and our mission... enjoy!
"The Divine Master Centre is the home of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master. They are one of ten members (five Religious Congregations and five Secular Institutes) who together form the Pauline Family: all founded by Fr. James Alberione. As a young seminarian, Alberione had reflected deeply on the mystery and fullness of Christ in the trinomial of John (14:6): “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. As a result he was inspired to place the Christ of these dynamic attributes, as revealed in the Gospel, at the centre of all thought, prayer and action of his religious Family: exhorting and emphasising, again and again . . . . .
Inspired by the vision ‘Live Jesus Master Way Truth and Life and give Him to the world', Fr. James Alberione founded the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master (in Alba, Italy) on the 10th February 1924.
Thus, the source and origin of the mission of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master is Christ.
From one single love, three apostolates spring forth: love of Jesus living in the Eucharist, love of Jesus living in the Priesthood, love of Jesus living in the Church (Liturgy).
Thus, the Sister Disciples carry-out a threefold apostolate: EUCHARISTIC - PRIESTLY - LITURGICAL.
As Eucharistic Disciples they represent the needs of the Church and humanity in daily adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
As Priestly Disciples they collaborate with the Priestly ministry, like unto Mary's work of prayer and service to Jesus.
As Liturgical Disciples they serve the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, by creating sacred vestments, music, religious art and craft (as "handmaids of the liturgy").
Being a Disciple of Jesus Master means attending the school of the Divine Master and undergoing a process of transforming identification with the Divine Master so as to imitate, re-present and live each day the life of Jesus Christ. Thus, the spirituality that animates a Sister Disciple is essentially Christ-centred and leads to the fullness of interior life, as defined by St. Paul " I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me " (Gal. 2:20).
Note: The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master set-up their first foundation in the centre of Ireland - in Athlone - in 1965, and this was followed by a major expansion into Dublin in 1992 and then the extension onto the present building in 2009, including the Bethany Centre especially for priests in difficulty. Each foundation comprises a convent, a Chapel of Adoration, a Liturgical Centre and meeting rooms.
The Sister Disciples have won the hearts of all who come in contact with their various apostolates by the warmth of their presence. As a consequence, they have built-up active local faith communities and an all Ireland outreach in terms of their prayer ministry, compassion to priests, their beautiful liturgical goods and services.
The Master and His Sister Disciples show forth a life relationship - relating to His Presence, His Priests and His People. They live out this important directions from the Founder:
This weekend our communities in Ireland are in great celebration because we celebrate 50 years of presence as a religious Congregation. In occasion of this celebration, I am going to take the opportunity to share a little about who were are. Since I have arrived in Canada, I realise that so few people have actually heard of us..shock horror!
I am sharing with you some fragments from a booklet put together by a good friend of ours, fondly known as 'Dan the Gatherer', because he gathered together spiritual and charismatic gems in one booklet to share with our collaborators, friends and Adorers in the Adoration programmes in Ireland. It gives a flavour of who were are and what we do. It's interesting to see how others see us and our mission... enjoy!
"The Divine Master Centre is the home of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master. They are one of ten members (five Religious Congregations and five Secular Institutes) who together form the Pauline Family: all founded by Fr. James Alberione. As a young seminarian, Alberione had reflected deeply on the mystery and fullness of Christ in the trinomial of John (14:6): “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. As a result he was inspired to place the Christ of these dynamic attributes, as revealed in the Gospel, at the centre of all thought, prayer and action of his religious Family: exhorting and emphasising, again and again . . . . .
“ We were born to give man Jesus Christ”. . . . . “ We must give the world true wealth and bring to the world the greatest good: Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life”.
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Sisters at prayer |
Thus, the source and origin of the mission of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master is Christ.
From one single love, three apostolates spring forth: love of Jesus living in the Eucharist, love of Jesus living in the Priesthood, love of Jesus living in the Church (Liturgy).
Thus, the Sister Disciples carry-out a threefold apostolate: EUCHARISTIC - PRIESTLY - LITURGICAL.
As Eucharistic Disciples they represent the needs of the Church and humanity in daily adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
As Priestly Disciples they collaborate with the Priestly ministry, like unto Mary's work of prayer and service to Jesus.
As Liturgical Disciples they serve the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, by creating sacred vestments, music, religious art and craft (as "handmaids of the liturgy").
Being a Disciple of Jesus Master means attending the school of the Divine Master and undergoing a process of transforming identification with the Divine Master so as to imitate, re-present and live each day the life of Jesus Christ. Thus, the spirituality that animates a Sister Disciple is essentially Christ-centred and leads to the fullness of interior life, as defined by St. Paul " I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me " (Gal. 2:20).
Note: The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master set-up their first foundation in the centre of Ireland - in Athlone - in 1965, and this was followed by a major expansion into Dublin in 1992 and then the extension onto the present building in 2009, including the Bethany Centre especially for priests in difficulty. Each foundation comprises a convent, a Chapel of Adoration, a Liturgical Centre and meeting rooms.
The Sister Disciples have won the hearts of all who come in contact with their various apostolates by the warmth of their presence. As a consequence, they have built-up active local faith communities and an all Ireland outreach in terms of their prayer ministry, compassion to priests, their beautiful liturgical goods and services.
The Master and His Sister Disciples show forth a life relationship - relating to His Presence, His Priests and His People. They live out this important directions from the Founder:
“Our greatest rule is to live Jesus Christ” And what must you accomplish in the world by representing Mary, by imitating Mary? First, interior holiness, and then after, giving Jesus to the world. Prayer first of all: Prayer above all: Prayer the life of all”Thanks Dan for your thoughts and your precious service to our communities!
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