Many people get confused with the feastday we celebrate today! Just to explain it is she , Mary herself, who is the Immaculate Conception; the day does not refer to Mary's conceiving Jesus by the Holy Spirit, but to the conception of Mary in the womb of her mother, St. Anne, by Mary's father, St. Joachim. What makes her conception immaculate is not that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit of a virgin, as was Jesus but that from the very moment of her conception; she was filled with grace by God. The Opening Collect for the Mass today begins: "Father, You prepared the Virgin Mary to be the worthy Mother of Your Son..." As this prayer emphasizes, the Immaculate Conception is not so much about honouring Mary, but making Mary a worthy bearer of God the Son in the flesh. The Church, East and West, has always held that Mary was no ordinary mother, but the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. With this come special graces and honours, not on account of who Mary...